Entries by administrator

JR VISUAL TEC High Brightness LED Display Goes to Netherlands

When it comes to the end of 2020, last job we are going to delivery is 80sqm indoor high brightness LED display, for a fashion shop in Netherlands, with product of iSlim series P3.9mm. Double LED screens will be installed behind the glass windows, in order to make sure the LED screen is visible day and […]

Advantages and disadvantages of a LED screen

Is the result always better if I use a LED screen ? The visual communication market is increasingly going in the direction of the LED technology, which is the most flexible solution for creating modern screens with a high visual impact in size and brightness. But this is not always the optimal solution for customer needs. […]

JR VISUAL TEC offers professional LED display solution for lobby

The defining element of the tower lobby and the focal point for both tenants and visitors is the big LED screen, that’s true. LED display products had been widely used for hotels, restaurants, museums, shopping malls, corporates, fashion shops, modern buildings, etc, the panoramic motion art wall with striking impact on the building design. JR […]

JR VISUAL TEC offers wide range of creative LED display solution

Imagine the possibilities. No Limitations, Start to Finish. As a leader in the visual display industry, JR VISUAL TEC stands at the top of technology and craftsmanship, integrating digital displays and signage to create one of a kind digital experiences. Our LED video display solutions are not limited by product lines. No matter the application, […]

JR Visual Tec delivered high quality LED Screen to Morgan Stanley

In 2019, JR Visual Tec had cooperated with some big brands worldwide, including Morgen Stanley, Boeing, Nike etc. Featuring JRVT best in class indoor LED display product, Morgan Stanley choose iBand series P1.9mm high resolution LED screen used for their reception area.  iBand series is JRVT flagship LED display for indoor fixed installation and best-selling fixed […]

JR Visual Tec launches World’s highest resolution LED Floor

11 years ago,  JR Visual Tec present P31.25mm LED floor in the market, SMD5050 had  been used at that time.  With the technology developed, the LED  lamps becomes smaller and smaller, which makes small pixel pitch LED Floor possible. When SMD3535 comes into the market, we developed P7.8mm LED Floor. When SMD1921 comes into the […]

JR Visual Tec Indoor Rental LED display goes to Qatar Motor Show 2018

Qatar Motor Show is celebrating its 8th edition with its ‘Driving to innovation’ theme that will help bring to enthusiast in Qatar the latest trends and technologies from the global automotive scene. The event is set to take place from the 17 – 21 October 2018 at the Doha Exhibition and Convention Center. LED screen […]